Real pain?
Real pain is when you constantly hate yourself and
do everything you can to feel better but just can't
Make yourself happy.
Real pain?
Real pain is when you have nothing to truly feel
depressed about yet your frowning for no reason,
And get judged for a feeling you can't help but to feel.
And feel even worse because it's not others
Who are judging you.
Real pain?
Real pain is wanting to change yourself because
You don't feel accepted for who you are in your
own skin, and block away everyone because your
Afraid they wont accept you either.
Real pain?
Real pain is when you can't trust anyone because
Everyone around you has ether left you or used
you in some way.
Real pain?
Real pain is when you question yourself on a
Constant basis because you can't tell whether
Your overthinking or if you are doing the right thing.
Real pain?
Real pain is when everyday in your head you
Contemplate suicide, But only stay alive for a hope
You believe will never come true.
Real pain?
Real pain is all to do with what other people can't see.
Outer things may pain you but the Real pain is the effects
On what is on the inside, thoughts and feelings.