Everyone tells me self love is what I need
And some days I do but other days it's not up to me
I would if I could I keep doing all the steps
But my self love is just an effect
An effect of my situation
wherever I am in life that day
If my feelings we're up to me it wouldn't be that way
I do what they tell me
I look in the mirror and build myself up
But when I look in my eyes
I know there just lies
So in my mind I deny and that feeling inside
So I keep asking what can I do
I really want to make my self love true
I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and not hate what I see
But the hatred I have inside runs in my veins deep
All those scars I have been given
I find myself making more scars trying to cover up what I feel
I forgot what truly loving yourself feels like
Honestly I can't remember a time I truly did
And I'm beginning to wonder if this is it
Feeling myself once in awhile
It's Rare but it's there
If it wasn't for others voices telling me different
I would have gave up years ago
Because I keep trying
but my self love stays a situational shadow
