I am a weed in a garden full of roses
All I do is kill every flower I see
All of the flowers are beautiful all except the weed that is me
I Fuck up everything I touch & everything I can see
There's this locked door & I wish I had the key
I apologize for everything even when I'm right
But most of the time I'm killing everything in sight
So I have this need for fixing all of my mistakes
Maybe that is my destiny or maybe it's my fate
I think I need to leave
I wish I could evaporate
It's time I realize what I must do
I need to run away
From the beautiful roses like you
I have ruined all the roses
Because I am just a weed
I need to go away so you can plant better seeds
I love you
I'm sorry I strangled you
It's time for me to leave
That is what I must do
I love this poem I can relate so much